
For simple use cases the introductory examples contains essentially everything that is required for simple use cases. However, let’s create a more elaborate example by providing some real configuration sources that we can play with.


The following code snippets are either simple code blocks which you can copy and paste or interactive shell like code blocks with a >>> or $ symbol to demonstrate example usages.


If you want to skip parts of the quickstart guide be aware that the examples depend on eachother.


First create a JSON file named config.json with the following content:

    "simple_int": 10,
    "a_bool": false,
    "nested": {
        "a_float": 2.0

Because JSON files have the same structure as Python’s dictionaries a configuration object generated from the above file contains exactly the same tree of keys and values as the file itself. Additionally the json format stores type information which means that the parsed values will already be converted to the respective type (e.g string, boolean, number). Before jumping into the code let’s create another file. This time it is an INI file named config.ini with the following content:

simple_int = 5
a_bool = True
keys = 1,2,3

some_float = 0.1

some_string = A short string

By default Python’s builtin configparser does not provide any hierarchical information which means there are no concepts like root level keys and subsections. To solve that issue configstacker implements a common flavor of INI file formats which use a separator in their section names to denote a hierarchy. Also the builtin configparser requires that all keys belong to a section. Because of that we need a special name to differentiate root level keys from subsection keys. To summarize:

  • The root level is indicated by a specially named section. By default it is called [__root__].
  • Subsections are denoted by separators inside section names. The default separator is a dot.

Finally it is important to note that INI files do not store type information. As such all values on a configuration object will be returned as strings. This can be solved in two ways. We can either make use of a stacked configuration with at least one other source that contains type information or we provide converters.


The conventions used here are just the way how the INI file source handler shipped with configstacker works. Of course you can create your own INI file handler which uses another format. For example double brackets for subsections. However, in this case you also have to provide the respective parser as python’s builtin configparser does not support this format.

Now that everything is prepared we can import and setup configstacker itself. We will start by setting up a single source and playing around with it. After that we will put everything together into a stacked configuration.

Using Single Sources

Make sure you are in your (virtual) environment where you installed configstacker and open up your interactive python shell. Start with importing configstacker and instantiating a JSONFile object with the path pointing to the JSON file you created earlier.

import configstacker as cs
json = cs.JSONFile('config.json')

Without much surprise you should be able to access the information from the JSON file.

>>> json.simple_int
>>> json.a_bool
>>> json.nested.a_float

Let’s look at a more interesting case - the INI file.

ini = cs.INIFile('config.ini', subsection_token='.')


The subsection_token is already a dot by default and only set for demonstration purpose.

You can access it the same way as with the JSON object.

>>> ini.simple_int
>>> ini.a_bool
>>> ini.section.some_float
>>> ini

There are two things to note here:

  • As mentioned earlier due to the untyped nature of INI files the returned values are always strings.
  • When you print the whole config object it will show you the type of source and its content.

You can always use dictionary style to access the values. This is especially important when a key has the same name as a builtin function.

>>> ini['simple_int']
>>> ini['section']['some_float']
>>> ini['keys']
>>> ini.keys()
['a_bool', 'keys', 'section', 'simple_int']

Although configuration objects behave like dictionaries in some cases you might still want to use a real python dictionary. Therefore you can easily dump the data from any sublevel.

>>> type(ini.dump())
<class 'dict'>
>>> ini.section.dump() == {'some_float': '0.1', 'subsection': {'some_string': 'A short string'}}
>>> ini.section.subsection.dump()
{'some_string': 'A short string'}

Using Stacked Sources

Now let’s have a look at stacked configurations. When stacking source handlers their order defines how keys and values are prioritized while searching and accessing them. By default the last element has the highest priority. This behavior can be changed though.

# We are reusing the configuration objects from the last examples
config = cs.StackedConfig(json, ini)


The idea behind the default ordering is that you usually start with some global defaults which have the lowest priority and further advance to more specific configuration sources with a higher priority until you finally reach the last and most important one.

Let’s access the data again and check what it looks like:

>>> config.simple_int
>>> config.a_bool
>>> config.section.some_float
>>> config.nested.dump()
{'a_float': 2.0}

Some observations:

  • The config object behaves exactly like the single source object. In fact both the stacked and the single source configuration objects provide the same dictionary interface and you can use them interchangeably.
  • simple_int is 5 and not 10 as the INI file has a higher priority over the JSON file. However, now that there is another source with type information available the value from the INI file was converted to an integer. This works because configstacker will search other sources for a typed version of the same key and converts it accordingly.
  • some_float is still untyped as there is no counterpart in the JSON file.
  • Because the INI file is lacking a nested section it is not shadowing the JSON file here and as such we have access to some data from the lower prioritized JSON file.

Changing Behavior of Stacked Sources

Now let us create some environment variables to play with. As with INI files environment variables also lack any hierarchical information. However we can fix that the same way as we did with INI files by decoding subsections into the variable names. Therefore we will use:

  • the prefix MYAPP to indicate data related to our app.
  • a pipe as a separator for nested sections.
  • an underscore as a separator for phrases as we did in our last examples.
import os

os.environ['MYAPP|SIMPLE_INT'] = '-10'
os.environ['MYAPP|SECTION|SOME_FLOAT'] = '3.5'


Usually it is recommended to only use alphanumeric characters and underscores for environment variables to prevent problems with less capable tools. However, using just one special character means we can’t differentiate between the separation of subsections and phrases. It is up to you to decide whether you can ignore such less capable tools or not.

Stacked configuration sources can be modified at any time so that we can easily integrate additional source handlers. Therefore StackedConfig exposes a SourceList object which behaves like a python list.

First create the environment source itself. Then integrate it with the stacked configuration object.

env = cs.Environment('MYAPP', subsection_token='|')

# appending it to the end gives it the highest priority

Now we can access the information as we did before:

>>> config.a_bool
>>> config.simple_int
>>> config.section.some_float

How are the values generated?

  • a_bool contains the value from INI file which then has been converted with type information from the JSON file.
  • simple_int contains the value from the newly added environment variables and was converted with type information from the JSON file.
  • some_float contains the value from the environment variables as it is higher prioritized than the INI file. However because there is no counterpart in the JSON file it is returned as a string.

Persisting Changes

In most cases changing values of a configuration is straight forward as it does not require any special setup. We can simply assign the new value to the respective key.

>>> config.a_bool = False
>>> config.a_bool

That also works with keys which do not yet exist.

>> config.new_value = 5
>> config.new_value

The following rules are applied to decide where to store changes.

  • Newly added key-value pairs are written to the highest priority source that is writable.
  • Changes to existing values are written to the highest priority source that is writable and where the respective keys were found.
  • If no writable source was found a TypeError is raised when changing a value.


If you want to protect a source from beeing changed at all you can provide the parameter readonly=True when instantiating the source. However, if you just want to prevent immediate writes to the underlying source (e.g. because of network connectivity) you can make use of the cache functionality.